Mia Longden 

︎ Resumé/CV 
︎ Graphic Design 
︎ Artistic Endeavours 

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“I am seeking, I am striving. I am in it with all my heart.” 

- Vincent Van Gogh 

Schiaparelli Inspired Team Work


This was a project that I did while studying abroad in Italy at Politecnico di Milano. It was one of my first times working in a group like this, and though it started out as a bit of a challenge, it turned out to be a great experience.

We took inspiration from a brand: ‘Schiaparelli’ (which I can now spell correctly), from an artist: ‘Louise Bourgeois’ and from another concept that inspired us: ‘Skin and its ageing process’. 

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+1 (917) 679-4677
+41 79 264 3825